Meche's Donut King - Lafayette

Many compare a Meche's king cake to a giant doughnut.  While the tremendous twist of cinnamon laced dough does have some doughnutty qualities to it, these masses of generously filled and sweetly iced delights are decadent beyond simply doughnutdome.  The sheer weight of these "cakes" is both daunting and exhilarating. Be warned: you might need a friend to help you carry it to your car.
A Hefty King Cake from Meche's in Lafayette.

These cinnamon "doughnut style" king cakes are filled to the hilt.
There is little doubt that this is Acadiana's "go-to" king cake and you can find the folks at Meche's in Lafayette arriving just after midnight (Yes, midnight) to begin the process of making enough dough and heating enough oil to fry their monstrous king cakes to perfection.  It is best to order yours in advance, but if you are lucky enough to find an unclaimed king cake they'll fill it with your choice of fillings right there on the spot.  We like cream cheese and chocolate, but the number one seller is chocolate and bavarian cream/pudding.  We like this King Cake a lot, but it can  be a little overwhelming.

The King Caker's Rating = 
9 out of 12

Web: (inquire about shipping options!)

Location: 402 Guilbeau Road, Lafayette, LA 70506 --(337) 981-4918


  1. i beg to differ!!!!! I purchased 2 of these to take to family out of state and they didn't look anything like your photo. the cake was dry and had very little filling, and the filling that was there was actually under the cake not in. for the price i paid i expected more. This was purchased at the new Kaliste Saloom location and I won't be buying another. Sorry!!!!

    1. We bought the one in the feature on Guilbeau Rd. and photographed it as it looked. Sorry you got one that wasn't up to standard.

  2. I can't stand that people call these things king cakes. If I wanted a king cake that tasted like a doughnut, then I would just get a doughnut. King cake is a special occasion type of food and shouldn't taste like something you can get all year round. There are better options available for the price point.

    1. THANK YOU! This is NOT a King Cake! It is a DOUGHNUT!

    2. You're right. It is a doughnut, but in Lafayette it is considered a unique king cake approach.

    3. Are you saying you cant get cinnamon rolls year round?

  3. I've been saying the same thing for years. Meche's is NOT a king cake. It's a giant doughnut.

    1. You say that as if you have a problem with giant doughnuts.

  4. I ordered a King Cake at the beginning of the season. It was surprisingly heavy! When we arrived home and looked at it we were shocked... The cake was ordered with cream cheese and and strawberry sauce. The problem was that the icing was BLUE! It looked like an Independence Day Cake. WTH! #nevergoingback #wrong

    1. Hmmmmm. That doesn't sound right. Which one did you order it from? I bet someone who was expecting a blue iced cake was disappointed. Did it taste good?

    2. what is the dough made of

  5. Rickey Meches is the best King Cake in town in my opinion. If you are going to go to Meches, make sure to go to the one on Guilbeau Road. By far the best!

  6. I've never understood why people go nuts over Meche's King Cake. I know kids love them because they are like big donuts, but as an adult, I can't take them. As with pretty much everything at Meche's it is just overloaded with that sugary glaze and then add on the colored icing plus whatever sweet filling you put in and it is just too much (even without the filling it is still nauseatingly sweet). I also have to agree with another poster, the cakes can be dry and the amount of filling put in is hit or miss. Sometimes it is overloaded with filling making them messy and hard to eat. Other times the filling is in two or three small spots and the rest of the cake is plain. I am glad when someone brings a Meche's King Cake to the office because it is easy for me to walk away!!

  7. I'm my opinion, living in lafayette all my life, I look forward to Mardi Gras all year and Meches King Cakes are what makes it a holiday worth looking forward for. I absolutely love that they taste like big sugary donuts. They have, by far, the best king cake in town.

  8. Native of Lafayette living in Florida now. We make sure we make it home during Mardi Gras season every year just to get Meche's king cakes! Delicious, decadent, delightful, doughnutty goodness!!!

  9. Had a Bavarian Cream King Cake from Meches on Kaliste Saloom a few weeks ago, and have to say it was delicious!! Used to love getting them from the Meches on Rue Louis, but that one, sad to say, is now closed. They had individual size king cakes when you craved a king cake, and they had "normal" sized doughnuts, the Kaliste Saloom Meche's doughnuts are TOO BIG!! Dissapointed that Rue Louis one is gone!!

    1. FYI, there is a new donut shop in the Rue Louis location that is just as good, if not better!

  10. I had my FIRST Meche's King Cake from the Lake Charles location last week and it was AMAZING better then any store bought King Cake. I cant wait to get another one!!

  11. Live in MS and bought my first King Cake from Meche's this weekend. It is amazing! The stuff we have in the grocery store in MS is dry cardboard with cinnamon and coarse sugar. The cake I bought at Meche's is freaking awesome!! Thank you.

  12. I purchased a large king cake to ship to Texas. When it arrived the receiver advised it had very little filling. Paid over $$40.00 plus $20.00 to ship it. I called to complain. No call back. I ship one every year. Next year ,not from Meches on Kalust Saloom rd!


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